Man does not live by bread alone. So firstly, food for thought.

If you had read the Bible (as few Christians have) and if you had read the Koran / Hadith etc (as few Muslims have) you would see that both have strikingly similar prophecies re. the End Times. Except for one minor matter... The remarkable truth is that The Bible's Word of God is reversed as a completely corrupted mirror image in the Koran / Hadith. 


Let's begin with some examples of these (generally unspoken) truths. 

1) The Biblical Antichrist (named "The First Beast" in Revelations) is an exact match for the Muslim Mahdi (their "Saviour"). They both "come to earth on white horses", both make a false peace pact with Israel and both rule in Jerusalem for 7 years as a dominating military and political leader. 

2) The Biblical False Prophet (named "The Second Beast" in Revelations) has striking similarities to the so-called 'Muslim Jesus' (or "Isa" as the Koran calls him). They both perform miracles; "signs and fire from the skies" to make people believe in and worship the First Beast. 

3) The Biblical Second Coming of Christ (The True Messiah in Revelations) is portrayed in Islam as the coming of the 'Dajjal' (their "Devil"). Simply put: Our Christ is their Devil. 

If that sounds strange - that's because it is. Because in essence what you have in Muslim writings and traditions is the following: Divine figures in the Biblical tradition are portrayed as demonic figures in Islam. And vice versa. As someone who has studied occultism and associated matters for over 20 years, previous to my Reversion to the Catholic Church of my birth, it is obvious that this 'magical spell' of the inversion of God's Truth, is a typically standard and simple method of diabolism. No more - no less. 

Muslims should question why these truths in the Holy Bible are reversed in the Islamic writings? These lost souls should deeply consider why Islam can only falsely mirror and corrupt the truths of the Bible - as their false god "Allah" can only try to imitate the True God Jehovah. This is the basis of all blasphemy. Properly understood, this is also the very definition of the "banality of evil." The Devil cannot be God - as was the purpose of his failed rebellion - so he is reduced to merely parodying Him. Knowing this, it is equally important for Christians to study and thereby understand the Devil's real place in the scheme of things - The Great Pretender - even if he pretends to be more. Know your enemies' weaknesses. As C.S. Lewis pointed out: "Satan, the leader or dictator of devils, is the opposite, not of God, but of Michael." And, as the Archangel Michael showed by casting the Devil out of heaven and as the Messiah Jesus showed by casting the devils out of the possessed; he is of course the equal of neither. 


A few further points: if Islam states our Christ is their Devil, how do we know which is right? Well, if you're a Muslim you are in some rather large difficulties from the start. Because the Koran / Hadith etc, as anyone who has tried to read these Islamic writings knows, are incredibly difficult and tortuous to follow and contain many inherent inconsistencies.

Let us follow through just some of the contradictions within the Muslim "teachings". 

1) Muslims say they accept The Bible. But then they say parts of The Bible which contradict their books were "corrupted". Or forged. By... the Jews. Ah, yes. And the Christians. But of course. (Ask yourself: who is it that would presume to say that God's Holy Word was a forgery? And who traditionally is the enemy of God's people? Quite. "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose." As one may witness should one dredge through the writings of Islam.) The Muslim argument therefore is that either a) God's Chosen People of The Old and New Testaments decided to defraud God's own writings to them (to what end is unclear), or b) God - All Knowing and All Powerful remember - doesn't know what He says or forgets what He says or has to change what He says depending on who He is saying it to. 

2) Muslims say their Angel 'Gibreel' communicated the Koran to their prophet. Now in the Koran we have the following verse where it denies that Jesus is the Son of God: "How can He have a Son when He never had a companion?" (Koran. Surah 6: 101). Which implies that either a) Islam is saying that God can only create via carnal relations (Mohammed's view incidentally - derived from the previous Pagan beliefs of his Koresh tribe), or b) God does not have the creative power of Divine Intervention. 

3) Muslims say that their angel 'Gibreel' is our Christian Archangel Gabriel. In Luke. 1:35 Gabriel says to the Blessed Virgin Mary: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God." So either a) Gabriel is lying to Mary (yet Christ is proclaimed the Son of God throughout the Bible), or b) "Gibreel" is lying to Mohammed. 

The Annunciation of Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Or perhaps it wasn't Gabriel at all who visited Mohammed? Perhaps it was altogether some other kind of entity? The accounts given in Islam's own writings state that this "angel" demanded three times that Mohammed recite the words he wished him to speak - until the third time he actually strangled Mohammed until he could barely breathe. Mohammed was, naturally enough, rather terrified. Does that sound like an angel to you? 

It is notable that Mohammed, from his own words, at first thought their angel Gibreel - the dictator of the Koran - was a demon. And that he was himself therefore possessed. These are his own words & thoughts; as given in the Islamic writings. So much so, that he became depressed and often suicidal. "...the Prophet (sic) became so sad as we have heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains..." (Hadith of Bukhari. 9:111) Not the reaction one expects after a divine visitation! Our sisters and brothers lost in the Muslim masquerade, may do well to meditate upon these words: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." 2 Cor. 11: 14 & 15.)

4) Islam says: "The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them, until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree, and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him." (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No 6985.) This verse, apart from its obvious deep-seated hatred, will appear bizarre to the untrained Western mind (or rather, "liberal" indoctrinated Western mind) - yet it simply demonstrates, very neatly, the reality of the underlying thought in the Muslim world (e.g. this verse was in the original Hamas Charter). Forget the lies of the "liberal" Western media - this is what Muslims really believe, as anyone knows who has taken the time to study the matter. 

Now compare this with what Christ Jesus says: "You worship what you do not know, we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews." (John 4:22). Now, I don't want to pop anyone's bubble here but last time I looked Jesus was a Jew. Of the Tribe of Judah. Jesus also says on the Jewish Law of Moses: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them." (Matt. 5:17.) Jesus did not reject the Jews - the Jewish priesthood rejected Him but NOT all of the people - all of Christ's early followers were of course Jews. As just one example, 'The Acts' clearly state, both Peter and Paul and His half-brother James, were all Torah-observant Jews. Failure to understand this rather obvious but important point unfortunately led to the worldwide pogroms against the Jews by early Christians up until very recent times. (And so Christians who preach against Jews simply have a very deep misunderstanding of the Bible itself.) Christ also taught in synagogues at an early age and was regularly referred to as 'Rabbi' in numerous passages of the Gospel (not an official title as now of course but in that time a simple Jewish term for one's spiritual teacher). 

And yet Islam absurdly claims Jesus as one of their "prophets." And yet - as a Jew - their writings specifically call for Him, as with all Jews, to be killed. After a point, you realise these claims of kinship by Islam with the Old and New Testaments, are simply a satanic smokescreen. This claim's real purpose is to subtly and sinisterly - as is the Devil's way - attempt to downgrade Him, degrade Him and deny His Divinity. In vain of course. You do not worship a King by downgrading him to a mere Prophet. If you walk into the castle of a King - deny he is a King but say you respect him as a prophet - what do you think he will do to you? Yet that is what every Muslim does every day to Christ. 

Note that Islam also says that in the End Times the so-called "Muslim Jesus" (Isa) will return (as a Muslim - yes, you read that right) - "break crosses" (destroy Christianity) - kill all those who do not submit to Islam ("Sharia Law") - and that Christ Himself will "bow down" before the Mahdi (the Muslim "saviour") and will physically die and be buried on earth. (Christians would do well at this point to remember that a central tenet of Islam is that it denies the Resurrection itself.) 

If modern-day Christians don't understand how blasphemous this all really is then they have truly lost their Way - as many will during these deceptive times. When mass disinformation (no pun intended) on these matters seems the actual policy of some modern "churches" - well then, the followers of the Way might do very well to simply refer back to Jesus's actual words: "I am the Light of the world" (John. 8:12) "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself" (John. 12:32) "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John. 14:6). 

Need we go on? 

The truth is simple. And as we can see - Islam is very, very complicated. Lies often are. As the Bard said: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive." And of course Satan is the "Father of Lies" (John. 8:44) and the "Great Deceiver" (Rev. 12:9). It is to be very well borne in mind that Allah twice calls himself "the best of deceivers..." (Koran. 3:54 & 8:30). 

For clarity's sake (and Christian charity for the souls of those at stake within the web of Islam) we will therefore fearlessly state the following truths also.

The Apostle John and the John who wrote Revelations - gave these direct words for how to identify the Antichrist in the times to come:

1) The Antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Son of God. (John. 1:7)

2) The Antichrist will deny that Christ is the Messiah. (John. 2:22)

3) The Antichrist will deny that Christ incarnated in the flesh and so died during crucifixion and rose from the dead. (John. 4:1)

4) The Antichrist's main method of killing God's Chosen will be by beheading. (Rev. 20:4)


Again, for the sake of those souls at stake within Islam, we give God's Word through Christ Jesus as to the fate that awaits them: "And the devil that deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelations. 20:10.)


There have been many present-day testified accounts from evangelists and others of many in the Muslim world converting to Christ. Of course you won't hear that in either the Western press or Muslim press. Neither would speak the truth on such an important matter. And as we know The Holy Bible is banned in many Muslim countries - as are Christian missionaries. Muslims may visit the Vatican (the many troubles of Rome or the Pope aside) - but we Christians may not visit Mecca (which is just fine by me). I wonder what they are scared of? Also startlingly large numbers of Muslims have been testifying that Christ appeared in their dreams "asking for them to come to Him". One wonders why the urgency? Is that time prophesied coming soon? As Christ reminded us: no-one knows except the Father. (It must be remembered that the Christian concept of a personal God who loves you is alien to Islam. A Muslim, however devout, is never sure of redemption - unless they emigrate to spread Islam (Hijrah) or kill the unbelievers (Jihad). Christ would no doubt be even more appealing to such a one trapped in such a predicament.) 

If you read or view these extraordinary accounts, you'll see that many were already considering leaving Islam before these God-given visions. As the penalty for apostasy in Islam is death - or if you're lucky (and at the very least) ostracisation or physical harm to them and their families - they rather wisely keep it to themselves. People from the Middle East and North Africa can be very religious as we know - far more religious than the 'degenerate' West has become, as they might rightly see it (they have a point but are still "batting for the wrong side"). Yet it is this very religiousness on their part - that causes so many of our modern-day problems in the West, of Islamic terrorism and encroaching Sharia law - that if reversed is their hope. It is this very devotion to what they mistakenly see as God - once turned to the true God - that may very well prove in the end to be the final salvation of some of the people from these Holy Lands. We pray so. 



Well, if you're a Christian, (thankfully) God has made life very much more simple for you. Christ's message couldn't be simpler: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love thy neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." (Matt. 22:37)

No commandments to kill unbelievers. Your reward is to "be set free by the Truth" and naturally worship God. (Of course there are many such commandments to murder outsiders and unbelievers in Islam. With the promise of base sexual favours in their supposed "heaven" for doing this and other evil acts. "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him." John. 8:44.

No commandments to establish God's Kingdom by lying and deception (Cf. Taqiyya in Islam) - how can Truth be established by lies? (Christ calls the Devil the 'father of lies'. "When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies." John. 8:44.)

No commandments to oppress women, wrap them in black shrouds and force them indoors, only deigning to give them half the rights of man in a court of law - when they're given any at all (Cf. Sharia Law in Islam - it should be a deep source of shame that England has allowed these foreign courts to exist parallel to the most respected Law Courts in the world). From the very beginnings of Christianity, Brothers and Sisters in the Way have been honoured equally - if you do not honour women, their role in life, and the sustenance they give to life, you cannot be a Christian. An important point, often overlooked, is that amongst the multitudes who witnessed Jesus's return after His death by crucifixion (one group alone being over 500 souls), the very first few of His closest followers He chose to reappear to were all women. 

Of course Muslim countries are ludicrously male-orientated and largely oppress women (through the fear and weakness of the indoctrinated male population) - the Middle East was little better in Christ's day. So His documented devotion to his female followers and His prioritisation of them was (unlike the false feminism of Western politics today) truly revolutionary. (Note well, when God says to the Serpent after he had tempted Eve and brought the 'Fall' upon Man:"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed..." Genesis. 3:15. If one hates Woman - as Islam plainly does - or is weak enough to have the need to control them - one is with the 'Weak One': the Devil.)

And there were of course many clear and detailed warnings from Christ that numerous false prophets would arise in those End Times - including those claiming to be Him or from The Father. And so we have false prophets and religions. And so we will have false Christs. So we will have scoffers. We will have unbelievers. And we will have those who willingly or otherwise take the Mark of the Beast either through cowardice, compulsion or covetousness. The prognosis for all these is not good.

The historical fact of Christ's existence is not a matter of dispute. He is the most documented person in antiquity. He and His followers are mentioned by the two most prominent historians of the time. Christ and His followers are recorded by the Jewish historian Josephus: SEE HERE. Christ and His followers are also recorded by the Roman historian Tacitus: SEE HEREAlso St Paul's accounts of Jesus Christ are within decades of His existence - plenty of time for His contemporaries to deny these truths (it's generally accepted by historians that myths can only be created two generations after the death of an individual - simply because by then there is no one around to deny it). Also, and most importantly, many of His early followers (the first of whom - over 500 souls - had witnessed Christ arisen after His crucifixion) willingly martyred themselves in His name. People do not accept a gruesome death in the name of that which they know to be a lie.


And so ultimately each must decide for themselves. The modern age of technology also means that most people will be aware of Jesus and the Gospel and will have either accepted Him or rejected Him - so no one dies in ignorance. Then, in the End Times - after the false visions and miracles of Satan during the tribulations, which will deceive the majority - Christ will appear in the air for all the world to see. But by then it will be too late for most.  

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days: The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give out its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." (Mark. 13: 24-27.)

Christ comes with a "Shout!". With the trumpet of angels and the army of Heaven. He chose to be crucified for us - for those who are worth saving. But upon the Second Coming He does not come back "meek and mild". But fiercely as the Conqueror. Revelations depicts Him as dressed in a white robe - stained with the blood of His enemies - whom He has "trampled underfoot in His fury". The current world events, whether wars of man or catastrophes of nature, or indeed the rise of Islamic terror - reflect His prophecies perfectly. Moreso every day and every year. So - to borrow a phrase - "make sure you're on the right side of history". So - decide for yourself. But make it a good choice. You'll be living with it for a very long time. 


In Christ +++

St Vine. 



For those who realise or relate to the significance of these truths, particularly in the tumultuous times we now live in - or wish to study further in these matters - you would do well to begin by studying two authors, who both minister to, amongst other things, the truth of the role of Islam in these End Times. 

1) Joel Richardson has been in the forefront of warning people about the role of Islam in the coming Last Days. His historical learning of Biblical teaching re. these prophecies is unsurpassed. 

2) Walid Shoebat is an ex-terrorist of the PLO and since his conversion to Christ has consistently provided a fascinating and true insight into the real attitudes and beliefs of the Muslim world. 

More Coming Soon...